December 17, 2024

GHAI is an implementing partner of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Data for Health (D4H) Initiative, which supports low- and middle-income countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia and the Pacific to improve civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) systems and expand the use of data to enhance public health planning & policy development. Civil registration systems are the systems that register births and deaths, thereby creating and retiring an individual’s legal identity. Civil registration data is used to produce vital statistics, which are essential for government planning and policymaking.
Under the D4H Initiative, GHAI provides technical assistance to help countries strengthen their CRVS systems through legal reviews and reforms, budget advocacy for increased and sustainable funding of CRVS systems, projects that support gender equity in CRVS, and civil society organization (CSO)-led advocacy to support these objectives.
Across all its programs, including D4H, GHAI supports its CSO partners through provision of grants and strategic technical assistance to strengthen political will through comprehensive locally-led advocacy campaigns that push for stronger laws and policies and increased budgets.
Currently, GHAI is supporting legal review/reform, gender equity, budget advocacy and civil society-led advocacy projects in several countries across Africa, Asia and Latin America, and is expanding to select additional countries in 2024-2025.
Depending on the country context and the bottlenecks identified by governments and their
partners, the objectives of the advocacy effort of the applicant must lead to one or more of the
- Increased support for or passage of a birth and death registration law/bill or
regulations - Increased public awareness and demand for birth and death registration
- Increased decision-maker prioritization of birth and death registration
- Increased or sustained funding for birth and death registration from domestic
Who can apply
Non-governmental organizations based in Zambia or Kenya can apply for grants, including but not limited to civil society organizations, educational institutions (for example universities) and independent policy institutions (‘think tanks’). Applicants must be recognized, legally registered entities capable of entering into contractual arrangements, receiving foreign funds for the proposed activities and assuming legal and financial obligations. The grants program does not fund individuals or government agencies. A full list of criteria can be found in the Kenya RFP and Zambia RFP.
How to apply
- All applicants should fill out the online application form located HERE. Please ensure all fields are complete.
- Please submit questions or intent to submit a proposal to