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Our Partners

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Our partners play a vital role in driving our work advocating for policies and public health investments that save lives around the world. 

We build equitable partnerships to support sustainable advocacy movements, address health disparities and cultivate a world where health is recognized as a fundamental human right. GHAI’s global network of civil society partners are the driving force behind the policy victories and successes that are improving people’s health throughout the world.  

Our Funders

Bloomberg Philanthropies

As GHAI’s founding donor, Bloomberg Philanthropies supports our Data for Health, Drowning Prevention, Food and Nutrition, Overdose Prevention and Road Safety programs, as well as our work on Capacity Strengthening and Countering Industry Interference. Bloomberg Philanthropies also supports the Healthy Food Policy Advocacy Fund and Healthy Food Policy Legal Defense Fund, both of which are managed by GHAI.

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance supports our work on Immunization.

Resolve to Save Lives

Resolve to Save Lives supports our work on Food and Nutrition, Prevent Epidemics and Primary Health Care.

Rotary International

Rotary International supported our work to prevent gender-based violence.

World Food Programme

The World Food Programme works with GHAI to ensure nutrition, equity and sustainability in school meals programs.

World Health Organization

We partner with the World Health Organization to strengthen policy change capacity for multilateral agencies and governments.

Our Grantees

We believe policy change must be locally led and locally sustained. Our role is to enhance the ability of advocates to create the change they envision. We are currently working with 115 grantees across Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe.

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Partner With Us

We are always looking for new partners to help us enhance the ability of advocates to address urgent health challenges in their countries and communities. Contact us to learn how we can work together.
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