Timeline of Events
In 1996, the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids was created to take on the tobacco industry and advocate for proven policies to reduce tobacco use. In 2007, this model was expanded to countries around the world, adapting the lessons learned from the U.S. to other national contexts.
Building on the successes and lessons learned in the global fight against tobacco, the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids launched the Global Health Advocacy Incubator in 2014 to address some of the world’s toughest challenges and improve public health around the globe. We support civil society organizations and advocacy movements around the world to pass lifesaving policies on a range of critical issues save lives, reduce death and disease, increase investments in public health and create healthier, more equitable futures for all. Below are key milestones from the last 10 years.
Road Safety program launches to work with civil society organizations and governments to reduce death and injury related to road crashes by advancing policies in support of five priority behavioral risk factors to enhance road safety — child restraints, drink driving, helmets, seat belts and speed.

Food Policy program launches (originally called the Obesity Prevention Program) to support advocacy campaigns calling for healthy food policies at the national level.

Maternal and Reproductive Health program launches in Tanzania to advocate for funding for a vital maternal health program after the departure of international donors.
Cardiovascular Health program launches to advance policies to improve cardiovascular health and save lives by reducing trans fatty acids and sodium in the diet, and by supporting hypertension control and treatment.

The Health Promotion Levy, a tax on sugary drinks, is signed into law in South Africa.
The Advocacy Action Guide and Media Advocacy Guide are created to guide in-country partners in planning and executing policy advocacy campaigns.

More than 170 journalists participate in Road Safety Media Advocacy and Communications training to elevate road safety issues.
Drowning Prevention program launches to support governments as they implement proven drowning prevention interventions and to advocate to ensure government investments in drowning prevention.

Prevent Epidemics program launches to build support for government investments in epidemic preparedness.
Brazil approves strict limits on trans fat in food, marking the beginning of the end of industrially produced trans fat and partially hydrogenated oils.

Data for Health program launches, strengthening and standardizing birth and the registration systems so that everyone, everywhere, is counted.
Colombia affirms the right to broadcast public health messages, which was a victory against the food and beverage industry efforts to keep the information hidden.

GHAI logo and branding is created.
Maternal and Reproductive Health program transitions to the Government of Tanzania.

Nigeria strengthens its epidemic preparedness by increasing its budget for Nigeria Centre for Disease Control.
India passes the historic Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill, which saves lives on the road.

Philippines passes a Mandatory Child Restraint Act, providing for the Special Protection of Child Passengers in Motor Vehicles.
India requires the percentage of trans fats be reduced in all food products in which edible oils and fats are used.

Turkey restricts trans fat in food, reducing the risk of heart disease.
Rwanda authorizes health facilities to be registration points, which may ultimately increase the registration of births and deaths.

Mexico changes their national Constitution to include mobility as a constitutional right and granting the federal government power to legislate on road safety issues.
Bangladesh sets strict new trans fat limits in oils, fats and food.

Philippines mandates the elimination of industrially produced trans fat from its food supply.
Thailand adopts reporting guidelines requiring all hospitals to report stillbirths.
A decree goes into effect in Uruguay, providing front-of-package warning labels stating excess of sodium, total sugars, total fats and saturated fats.
Dong Thap and Yen Bai provinces in Vietnam successfully integrate drowning prevention program interventions into provincial plans and budgets.

Vietnam approves a 10-Year National Program on child injury prevention 2021-2030, including drowning prevention interventions.
Argentinian President signs one of the world's strongest health food policy law to reduce deaths from overweight and obesity.

Nigeria signs a sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) tax into law.
The Overdose Prevention initiative launches, to advocate for evidence-based treatment and harm reduction services that help save lives from drug overdose.

Kano state in Nigeria increases funding by 33% for the epidemic preparedness and response (EPR).
The Nigeria Kano State House of Assembly passes the Public Health Security Bill to ensure greater public health security.

Ecuador approves a new Transit Bill containing road safety measures, including speed reduction and helmet use.
Colombia approves a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages and ultra-processed products and now requires front of package warning labels on foods high in sugar, sodium, trans fats, fats and with any sweeteners.

Bangladesh approves a three-year child drowning prevention program.
Vietnam signs a Circular requiring the development of safe survival swim and water safety education in schools and injury prevention programs.

Barbados increases the sugar-sweetened beverage tax from 10% to 20%.
Brazil begins implementation of front of package warning label regulation on products with high levels of concerning ingredients like sugar, sodium and fat.

GHAI successfully advocates for the Mainstreaming Addiction Treatment (MAT) Act in the U.S., which passes and greatly increases the capacity to treat addiction.
The General Mobility and Road Safety bill becomes national law in Mexico, which aims to enhance people's safety on public roads and transportation systems.

In West Bengal India, Speed Management Guidelines are formally approved. Image Credit: Millennium Post, India.
The Ministry of Justice in Nigeria limits trans fats in all fats, oils and foods.

Cambodia adopts a law to establish an integrated system linking individuals' births and deaths records, identification and residence to it population register.

Rajasthan, India commits to facilitate civil registration services for all individuals. They also issue the first birth certificate to a transgender individual.
Maldives' approves the creation of a cadre of local-level civil registrars and commits to creating and funding island-level civil registrars in 2024.

Brazil increases the budget by 39% for the National School Feeding Program (PNAE).
GHAI reorganizes its programs under three areas of work: the Food and Nutrition, Health Systems Strengthening and Injury Prevention.
Ghana approves a 20% tax on sweetened beverages; Pakistan approves a sugar-sweetened beverage tax; and the Colombian Constitution unanimously declares the tax on sugary drinks constitutional.

Two cities in Brazil, Niteroi and Rio de Janeiro, pass laws prohibiting the sale, marketing, offer of and distribution of ultra-processed products in all schools.
Immunization program launches, help countries prioritize health budgets to ensure all children can get life-saving vaccines.

India launches a nationwide initiative to get 75 million hypertension and diabetes patients under treatment and control by 2025 and Punjab becomes the first state to include all three hypertension protocol drugs in its essential drug list.
The Defense Overdose Data (DOD) Act is included in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and passed into law.
Road Safety measures go into effect in three countries: Mexico publishes the National Strategy of Mobility and Road Safety for 2023 – 2042; Uganda passes the Traffic and Road Safety Act; and Ukraine CSO partner CEDEM develops language for a draft speeding law.

GHAI launches capacity strengthening projects with Special Olympics, Helen Keller, the World Food Programme and the World Health Organization.
GHAI releases an updated version of the Advocacy Action Guide.

GHAI redesigns its website to reflect our growth over the last 10 years and our impact.
Prevent Epidemics Health Security Budget Advocacy Academy for Civil Society Organizations launches to strengthen civil society capacity for budget advocacy in the Africa region.
GHAI launches the Budget Advocacy Facilitator's Guide and the Budget Advocacy Toolkit for Epidemic Preparedness, resources based on our experience and lessons learned through advocacy for increased epidemic preparedness budgets in Senegal, Nigeria and Ghana.

The Bangladesh Government calls for a new Road Safety Act, strengthening provisions on drink driving, helmets, seat belts and speed.
Yessika Hoyos Morales, President of Cajar in Colombia, receives the first Global Health Advocacy Changemaker award at the Youth Advocates of the Year award gala for her efforts to challenge unethical practices of the food industry and advocate for the adoption and implementation of healthy food policy.

The Ugandan government approves $15.4 million for epidemic preparedness financing, marking a historic milestone in the country's commitment to health security.
Kano State House of Assembly passes bill establishing Kano State Center for Disease Control, setting a regional example for disease control in Nigeria.